Reveal Marketing Research and Romania Eficientă: The trend of adopting an energy efficient lifestyle continues to gain ground in Romania
Reveal Market Resources, Study No. 178
Reveal Marketing Research has conducted a nationally representative survey among urban dwellers for the national program Romania Eficientă, to analyze Romanians’ energy-efficient behaviors and how they have evolved compared to similar surveys conducted in the last two years.
In 2024, energy efficiency continues to have the greatest impact on utility costs (19%), personal health (16%), individual comfort (15%) and sustainability/environment (12%).
The trend of everyday energy saving practices at home continues to grow
The most common energy-efficient behaviors adopted by Romanians include turning off the lights when leaving the room (71%), turning off the TV when not in use (59%) and using the dishwasher or washing machine only when full (46%).
Compared to 2023, the majority of energy-efficient behaviors have increased, particularly those who turn off lights when leaving the room (from 65% to 71%) and those who unplug electronics they are not using (from 34% to 41%).
The main driver for prioritizing investment in energy-efficient homes is cost savings
The main benefit of living in an energy-efficient house or apartment is reduced energy costs (72%).
Double-glazed windows remain the most popular energy-efficient improvement, being present in 87% of dwellings, especially in households over 45 (93%). Other preferred investments include external insulation of dwellings (62%) and energy-efficient appliances (60%).
In addition, the use of thermostats for temperature control has seen a significant increase from 56% (2023) to 60% (2024) of households.
Optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings, an important factor in protecting the environment
The impact of energy consumption on the environment is important for 58% of Romanians, significantly higher for women (63% compared to 53% for men).
In addition, 7 out of 10 Romanians believe that wasting energy (electricity, heat, fuels, etc.) contributes to accelerating climate change.
Energy renovation of hospitals (81%) and schools (78%) should become a national priority
Over 65% of Romanians believe it is important to increase the energy efficiency of all types of buildings. Hospitals (81%), schools (78%) and blocks of flats (74%) are among the buildings for which it is most important to improve energy performance.
About Reveal Marketing Research
Reveal Marketing Research is a full-service market research company specializing in marketing research, sociological studies, customer insight, business strategy, market development. With expertise in more than 20 industries, Reveal Marketing Research believes that market research is the foundation for making the right decisions and positioning brands. Its qualitative and quantitative solutions have been helping companies in Romania and other European countries for 16 years.
Reveal Market Resources, study no. 178: Reveal Market Resources is a data hub featuring free studies given to advertisers to support the marketing and communications market in Romania.
About Romania Eficientă
România Eficientă is a private project of national scope, developed by Energy Policy Group (EPG) in partnership and with funding from OMV Petrom. The project started in the summer of 2019 and consists of running a national program to promote energy efficiency. România Eficientă aims to support the achievement of Romania’s 2030 targets for reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency, both through information and education campaigns and by carrying out concrete major renovation projects in public schools in different regions of the country. More details on
Methodology: the Reveal Marketing Research study was conducted online at the request of the Efficient Romania program between 21-29.11.2024 on a representative sample for the universe of people aged 18+, urban, internet users. The sample size was 1003 respondents and the maximum sampling error is +/-3.1% at a 95% confidence level.
The survey results can be accessed at